miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

INAP's website!

Hello again, after a long time I decided to continue with my activities and work on my blog. On this occassion I will present one of the web pages more frequently due to my studies in Public Management, the website is the link which corresponds to INAP here’s a lot of relevant information the university, as well as news, new regulations, the events involving the university community, processes of exchange, internships and everything related to our life as students.

Entrance to this site every day, as this constantly updated and contains useful information, I like this site because it is always interesting things and not get bored ever visit, is a great site, has good people in charge, these professionals are serious about their work, so I hope that when you have time to enter and learn about the innovations that are INAP, well we’ll be seeing in a next entry with more relevant information, see you! =D

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